Dear mom,
We welcome you to the Mothers in Prayer France website.
If you consult it, it is because you think that prayer for children bears fruit and you are right. In these times of uncertainty and insecurity, more than ever, our children and their schools need our prayers. We mothers have the same concerns and worries for them and prayer is a solid and safe anchor. We meet regularly to pray together for them and their teachers. We can lay down our burdens with the assurance and peace that God has promised to answer our prayers.
Do you want to join us and find the great hope of seeing the lives of your children and even this whole generation transformed?
We would be very happy to know you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Elisabeth Rabaiani 
Country Coordinator France with team 



National coordinator's team:



Elisabeth 20181124 141825





yaëlle_team_France Sabine_team_France CATHERINE

Elisabeth Rabaini


 Nanoune Derilus

Prayer coordinator  

Yaëlle Philit


Sabine Jung

Address database, 

Finances and material 

Catherine Tidu


and media


Development team:

   Marie Jeanne Hurault katherina  MarieLuceFelicite Milena

Marie-Jeanne Hurault

 for the Côte Ouest

Katharina Path


for the Grand Est

 Marie-Luce Félicité

Regional Coordinator

for IDF-Paris.

Milena Vaisse

for the Alpes

and the Côte d’Azur.


Elisabeth Rabaini is Country Coordinator. She works with the French team and 4 Regional Coordinators:
Marie-Jeanne Hurault for the Côte Ouest,
Katharina Path for the Grand Est,
Marie-Luce Félicité for IDF-Paris,
and Milena Vaisse for the Provence, the Alpes and the Côte d’Azur.




Team meeting  
