North Macedonia
Welcome, dear mom, to the Noth Macedonian website of Moms in Prayer International!
Thank you for your interest to discover more about this worldwide prayer ministry.
Moms in Prayer is a present from Jesus Christ to all the moms!
We are Christian mothers, grandmothers and spiritual mothers praying regularly, in small groups, on behalf of our children and their schools. (One hour a week is optimal) We pray using bible verses and we divide our prayer hour in four steps of prayer: in praise, confession, thanksgiving and intercession.
You too are invited to pray for your children and their schools in using bible verses; come and start to pray together with one or more Christian women you know!
Jesus invites you to pour out your heart like water before His presence and to pray for the life of your children. You will see His blessings as you pray His Word, He will give you His peace, new hope and joy and He brings salvation, healing and deliverance. He will encourage you to trust and believe Him; and you will experience the beauty of Christian mothers, supporting each other in prayer in good and in difficult times.
We are women who believe that God answers prayer!
We believe that Jesus impacts children and schools for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
The vision of Moms in Prayer International is that every school in North Macedonia will be covered in prayer.
If you like to pray for your children and their schools, we suggest you to read the Moms in Prayer booklet in your language. This booklet was written to explain and introduce Moms in Prayer to you. You can read about how MIPI started over 30 years ago, how you can start a MIP group and, how to pray the Word of God using the four steps of prayer, praying in one accord, conversationally, in short and simple prayers. To pray in this format helps us moms to keep focused, not to chat but to use our time in prayer. You will also find more ideas on how to pray for your children, their teachers and their schools.
If you are interested to learn more about how to prepare a MIPI prayer hour and/or how to lead a MIPI prayer group, there are free skype trainings available.
If you already have started a group, or if you are looking for a group to pray with in your area, or if you like to start a new group, please, let me know!
Feel free to contact me Binia Jaggi directly. I’d like to pray for you and assist you in any way I can.
I’m looking forward to hear from you!
Your country developer for North Macedonia for Moms in Prayer Europe and Israel
Binia Jaggi