Nasza Misja

Nasza Misja

Mamy w Modlitwie International ma wpływ na dzieci i szkoły na całym świecie dla Chrystusa, gromadząc matki do modlitwy.

Nasza Wizja

Naszą wizją jest, aby każda szkoła na świecie została objęta modlitwą. 

Kathrin Larsen

No matter how difficult or sad the situation in your child’s life might be,

the power of God’s Word can change everything!

Kathrin Larsen
Dyrektor Mamy w Modlitwie International w Europie i Izraelu

Wszyscy członkowie grupy

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I’m encouraged to know that Moms in Prayer moms are praying for me as a teacher, and for the school where I teach. This gives me much appreciated support.

Quote by a teacher

HOW IT ALL STARTED – In 1984, Fern Nichols’ heart was heavy for her two oldest sons because of the temptations they would face in junior high school. She called another mom to pray for their children and the school. They invited other Christian moms and began meeting for prayer. This was the beginning of the Moms in Prayer International ministry. Word spread and soon groups grew in her area and later, spread throughout the world. Today, Moms in Prayer is led by President Sally Burke and groups meet in every U.S. state and in more than 150 countries.