What to Expect

We are moms who accept you wherever you are in your Christian prayer life, even if you’ve never had one. It is a safe place. It’s a learning place where we grow and care for one another. God is there with us, teaching us how to pray openly and honestly to Him for our children and their school.  

How Moms in Prayer works

  • Two or more moms pray together for one hour per week for their children and school using a prayer sheet and Bible.
  • Groups meeting in homes or churches or anywhere they can pray in private.
  • Each group member agrees with the Statement of Faith Ministry Policies
  • You can either join or start a group

What is unique about Moms in Prayer?

  • We stay focused on prayer and always begin and end on time.

  • Our prayer format is biblical and begins with an attribute of God.

  • We pray our children’s names in scripture so we know we are praying God’s will.

  • We keep what we pray about confidential.

Please find below our key documents

We invite you to take a cup of coffee/tea, find a peacful place and get blessed in taking the time to watch the video below

In the settings you find a lot of translated subtitles

If you are looking for a group in your area a local leader can help to connect and will be praying for you.

We’re excited to help moms all over Europe and in Israel to gather to pray!
Together, we can impact every child in every school in the world for Christ building up protective wall around them through prayer.