
Welcome to Moms In Prayer International in Armenia
Your interest in Moms In Prayer (MIP) is wonderful and encourages us. You are an answer to our prayers.
We are so thankful that the Lord calls more and more mothers into His service to pray for their children, teachers, and schools in Serbia.
We are excited at the prospect of mothers joining together to pray, you only need one mother to get going!
If you want to start a group, we suggest you order the Moms in Prayer booklet.
In it you find everything you need to start a group and it can last a lifetime. It explains the „Four Steps of Prayer“ (praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession), and how to pray the Word of God. This helpful format of prayer helps us to not chat, but to use our time in prayer. You will also find more ideas on how to pray for the teachers and the schools in the booklet.
If you are looking for a group or have started a new group, it would be wonderful to hear from you. We would like to encourage you and your group. To register the group, you either simply write to us or you can also use the sign up form on this website (information used only for Moms in Prayer). If registered, you will also automatically receive our encouragement updates. If you have any questions, feel free to get in contact with us
We so look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you into our growing global family.
Your MIP Team Europe & Israel
Praying the Word of God into the lives of our children, is just so powerful and gives me words in moments I lack them.