
Welcome to Moms In Prayer International in Germany
Moms in Prayer Germany began when a Swedish woman learned about this movement while in Egypt and brought this system of praying to Germany when she moved here!
Wow, isn’t that a great story? We are still amazed how God moves, even today!
A new board of directors was chosen for Moms in Prayer International in 2018. A new team of women was also elected for Germany. During these elections, we experienced God’s perfect timing and saw that he knows every need. We are thankful for MIP’s continued presence in Germany, made possible by the new leadership team. And we are seeing young mothers being called to prayer. Long-time praying moms, some of whom are meanwhile also grandmothers, are answering the call to start praying again and/or to continue praying for all generations of children as well as for teachers and schools.
In Germany’s 16 states we have a current total of over 550 groups meeting regularly to pray. Due to the current situation we are encouraging our members to meet by telephone or online. New opportunities are opening up for prayer, even bridging long distances!
If you are interested in learning more about Moms in Prayer Germany, please go to our website. We look forward to meeting you!
Heartfelt blessings from

Manuela Woldt
Moms in Prayer International
Country Coordinator for Germany
It is something very special to speak the Word of God into the lives of our children.